
王威力,环球360会员登录新闻与新媒体学院副教授、硕士生导师。英国拉夫堡大学新闻传播学博士。主要关注国际传播、环境传播、健康传播、人工智能等方面的研究议题。近年在Journalism StudiesJournalism PracticeInformation, Communication & Society、《国际新闻界》等学科权威SSCI、CSSCI刊物发表文章7篇。撰写的智库报告及决策建言获得部委单位采纳3次。近年主持由国家科技部、国家教育部、省民政厅、省科技厅、省社科联等单位立项的科研项目6项。多次参加国际学术活动及会议(英国莱斯特,2017;英国伦敦,2018;中国北京,2018;中国南京,2019;加拿大多伦多,2023等)。国际传播学会(ICA)会员,国际媒介与传播研究学会(IAMCR)会员。曾任职于蓝色光标数字营销机构,从事上市企业的危机公关处理工作。




Weili is an associate professor at the School of Journalism and New Media. He joined Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2020. He holds a PhD in Social Sciences, specialising in Communication and Media Studies, from Loughborough University (UK), which he obtained in 2020. He also completed his master's degree in New Media at the University of Leeds (UK).


Weili primarily focuses on comparative media analysis, which involves examining media institutions and contents across different time periods and geographic locations. He also conducts research on various communication topics such as international communication, environmental communication, and health communication, etc.


Since 2020, Weili has led six research projects funded by various organisations, including the Ministry of Science and Technology of the P.R.C., Ministry of Education of the P.R.C., and Federation of Social Sciences Associations.


CUIC713310-Digital Media Technology: Theory and Frontier (Postgraduate)

WS20032001-International Publication in Communication (Postgraduate)

GNED100220-Network Media Literacy (Undergraduate)

GNED100420-Crisis Communication: From Theory to Practice (Undergraduate)


Postgraduate supervision

Weili is also interested in supervising international master’s students who focus on a wide range of media and communication issues, including comparative media analysis, international communication, environmental communication, health communication, etc.He is particularly interested in supervising students who possess bilingual or multilingual competence, including but not limited to English, Russian,Japanese, Korean, Spanish, and Arabic.

He encourages students to contact him with their research proposals or general research ideas before submitting their postgraduate applications.

The working languages for supervision will be Mandarin Chinese and/or English.

